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Mastering the Art of Quoting: 3 Tips for Drone Photography Jobs

How do I determine the cost of a drone photography job?

When determining the cost of a drone photography job, there are several important factors to consider. These include:

  • Cost of operations: This includes the cost of the drone equipment, maintenance, and repair.

  • Insurance: This is crucial to protect against any accidents or damage to the equipment while on the job.

  • Travel: Many drone photographers charge for transportation to the location of the property.

  • Taxes: Make sure to factor in any relevant taxes.

  • Editing and post-processing of the photographs: This can add an additional cost.

  • Time invested: Make sure to factor in the time it will take to complete the job from the time you pull out of your driveway until you edit your last photo.

It's important to discuss all costs with the client before taking on a job, to have a clear understanding of the overall expense and to avoid any surprises. Also, it's important to consider the balance of cost and quality of service you will provide.

Eagle Eye Drone Photograpy

How do I set prices for different levels of services offered in a drone photography job?

When setting prices for different levels of service offered in a drone photography job, there are several factors to consider.

  • Size of the property: The larger the property, the more time and resources will be required to capture all angles and features.

  • Amount of photos taken: The more photos requested by the client, the more time and editing will be required to deliver them.

  • Detailed shot list: If the client provides a detailed shot list with specific angles and areas they want to be captured, it will take more time and effort to execute.

  • Post-processing and editing: The level of post-processing and editing requested by the client will also affect the final price.

It's important to communicate these factors with the client and provide them with an accurate quote, ensuring that everyone is on the same page about the level of service and cost before the job begins. Additionally, It's also a good idea to offer different packages with different services and prices. This will give the clients the option to choose what services they need and what they can afford.

Eagle Eye Drone Photo of the Woods

How do I handle changes or additions to a drone photography job once it has been quoted?

As a drone photographer, it's important to have clear communication with clients about any changes or additions to a job once it has been quoted. One approach is to establish a set rate for changes or additions, such as a per-photo rate or a flat fee for additional footage. It's also important to make sure that the client understands the potential impact on the timeline and overall cost of the job. Another option is to provide a revised quote that takes into account the changes or additions requested by the client. It's important to keep in mind that a clear, open line of communication will help ensure that both the client and photographer are on the same page and that the final result meets the client's expectations. It's always best to have a detailed and specific agreement of the job scope, time frame and cost before the job starts. This can help minimize any confusion or misunderstanding during the job process.

Sunset Drone Photography



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